Act for Kids, the Australian charity whose purpose is to prevent and treat child abuse and neglect, has released an important video during Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month. (more…)
Act for Kids has this important message in DV Awareness Month
Useful Links
Here are links to other women’s safety, domestic violence and sexual assault resources, services and organisations as well as referral services for men. (more…)
What is domestic violence?
Domestic and family violence is when an individual uses behaviour to control or maintain power over a person they are in a relationship with or are related to. (more…)
Making a safety plan
If you have fears for your safety and have decided to leave, it is important that you make a safety plan to help you and your children stay safe. (more…)
Types of domestic abuse
Domestic and family violence is not always physical. Abuse can be emotional, social, verbal, sexual, financial or cultural. All forms of abuse should be taken seriously. (more…)
How to stay safe online
If you feel threatened or unsafe, or if you’re planning to leave an abusive partner, then you need to protect yourself online. Here are some ways to help stay safe. (more…)
How to help someone experiencing domestic and family violence
What do you do if you suspect that someone you know is experiencing domestic and family violence? (more…)
Domestic violence protection orders explained
If you’re experiencing domestic or family violence, a domestic violence protection order can help protect you. (more…)